Union on reference set in collection with acyclic graph

I’m trying to describe a union on a reference set in a collection with an acyclic graph constraint. This is what I have:

'Partijen': collection ['Partij'] = ^ ^ .'Partijen'* .'Soort partij'?'Deelpartij'.'Bewerkingen'.'Etiketteren'?'Ja'.'Ingepland'?'Ja'.'Uitgevoerd'?'Nee' {
	'Partij': text -> ^ ^ ^ .'Partijen'[] .'Soort partij'?'Deelpartij'.'Bewerkingen'.'Etiketteren'?'Ja'.'Ingepland'?'Ja'.'Uitgevoerd'?'Nee'
		= key
	'Deelpartijen': collection ['Partij'] = union (
		'In partij' = >'Partij' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ <'Deelpartijen'[ ^ ^ ^ .'Partijen' sibling * ] // <-- errors here!
	) {
		'Partij': text -> ^ ^ ^ ^ .'Partijen'[] = key

But this results in 2 errors I don’t understand and can’t resolve:

equality constraint violation for ‘dependency of reference set’:
- expected: ‘dependency’ of type ‘step’
defined by .‘Productie’.‘Etiketteren’.‘Partijen’.‘Partij’ of type ‘erface_notification/schema.alan.json’!‘node’.‘attributes’.‘type’?‘property’.‘type’?‘text’.‘has reference’?‘yes’
- but found: ‘dependency’ of type ‘self’
defined by .<root> of type ‘erface_notification/schema.alan.json’

no valid ‘head node type’ found for ‘type’ option ‘sibling’. Unexpected ‘value object’:
- expected: ‘node’
- but found: ‘collection’
defined by .‘Partijen’ of type ‘erface_notification/schema.alan.json’!‘node’.‘attributes’.‘type’?‘property’

I tried several combinations of node path, sibling and * without success.

When making a union based on a reference-set, the key of the derived collection needs to be the identical path as the path between [ ].
So in your example:

'Partij': text -> ^ ^ ^ .'Partijen' sibling = key

or alternatively:

<'Deelpartijen' [ ^ ^ ^ ^ .'Partijen' * ]

Unfortunately this solutions results in an error as well:

'Partijen': collection ['Partij'] = ^ ^ .'Partijen'* .'Soort partij'?'Deelpartij'.'Bewerkingen'.'Etiketteren'?'Ja'.'Ingepland'?'Ja'.'Uitgevoerd'?'Nee' {
	'Partij': text -> ^ ^ ^ .'Partijen'[] .'Soort partij'?'Deelpartij'.'Bewerkingen'.'Etiketteren'?'Ja'.'Ingepland'?'Ja'.'Uitgevoerd'?'Nee'
		= key
	'Deelpartijen': collection ['Partij'] = union (
		'In partij' = >'Partij' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ <'Deelpartijen'[ ^ ^ ^ .'Partijen'* ] // <-- error between [ ] !
	) {
		'Partij': text -> ^ ^ ^ ^ .'Partijen'[] = key

With error message:

equality constraint violation for ‘dependency of reference set’:
- expected: ‘relative object location’ of type ‘sibling entity’
defined by .‘Partijen’.‘Bron’ of type ‘erface_notification/schema.alan.json’!‘graph constraints definition’.‘graphs’
- but found: ‘relative object location’ of type ‘context entity’
defined by .‘Partijen’ of type ‘erface_notification/schema.alan.json’!‘node’.‘attributes’.‘type’?‘property’

Which to me indicates I need to use sibling somehow.
According to the grammar this should be possible, but I can’t seem to figure out how:

'reference set subset step' {
	'subset': stategroup (
		'no' { [ * ] }
		'yes' { [ [, ] ]
			'head': component 'variablized object path'
			'type': [, * ] stategroup (
				'simple' { }
				'sibling' { [ sibling ] } // <-- !!


[ >'Partij' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ sibling ]

And define the key accordingly.

Thanks! That did it. Only needed an asterisk (*) at the end:

'Deelpartijen': collection ['Partij'] = union (
    'In partij' = >'Partij' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ <'Deelpartijen'[ >'Partij' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ sibling * ]
) { ... }