I’m trying to make different databases that are all created from 1 single database. So filling in the first complete database automatically generates these smaller individual databases, at least that is the idea. However, I can’t seem to refer to the other values? This is currently my code, but following lines do not seem to work:
‘First Name’: text → ^ .‘Databank’.‘First Name’
‘Gender’: text → ^ .‘Databank’.‘Gender’
Furthermore, the line:
‘Account ID’: text → ^ .‘Databank’
Only let’s me use an account ID thats in the Databank but does not automatically generate another collection like i hoped.
This is my entire code:
root {
'Users': collection ['Username'] {
'Username': text
'Password': text
'User Type': stategroup (
'Applicant' { }
'UWV' { }
'Company' { }
'Partner' {
'Partner Type': stategroup (
'CBS' { }
'Research' { }
'Automotive' { }
'Municipality' { }
'Databank': collection ['Account ID'] {
'Account ID': text
'First Name': text
'Full Name': text
'Gender': stategroup (
'Male' { }
'Female' { }
'Other' { }
'BSN': text
'Nationality': text
'Streetname': text
'House Number': text
'Postal Code': text
'City': text
'Username': text
'Password': text
'Benefit Status': stategroup (
'None' { }
'UB40' { }
'TILL' { }
'DIS' { }
'Email': text
'Phone Number': text
'CV': file
'Highest Education': text
'Application History': text
'Bank Account': text
'Unemployment Duration': number 'Years'
'Marital Status': stategroup (
'Married' { }
'Unmarried' { }
'Disability': stategroup (
'Yes' { }
'No' { }
'Employers': collection ['Account ID'] {
'Account ID': text -> ^ .'Databank'[]
'First Name': text -> ^ .'Databank'.'First Name'[]
'Gender': text -> ^ .'Databank'.'Gender'[]